Raise up the widows and orphans of Burundi

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress..." James 1:27

Our Plan

3 years, 3 steps to financial independence


Our Burundian staff work with community leaders to identify widows in poverty capable of reaching financial independence through vocational training and micro-enterprise funding.

When you support a widow through in3, you will receive letters to hear her story and learn how you are impacting her family.

$1,800 pays for her needs and training through the three-year program.

WEB COLOR BCW Certified 2024 Badge

Invest in sustainable development.

Our journey to sustainable development

Sister Connection was founded in 2006 to help widows rebuild their lives after decades of war. Civil conflict left a generation of widows and orphans without status and without support. We connected them to donors who rebuilt their homes and supported them financially.

Today, Sister Connection serves a new generation of widows. While the memory of war is fading, the economic prospects for widows and their children remain bleak. Our goal has shifted from the immediate needs of charity to a push for self-sufficiency and sustainable development.


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